Privacy policy

Tartu Asian Language Center privacy policy

The protection of personal data is important to us, and we take it seriously. This privacy policy provides information about what personal data Tartu Asian Language Center collects about you, how we use it, with whom we share it, and what your rights are regarding the processing of your personal data.

In processing personal data, we follow the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) and the Personal Data Protection Act.

1. Collection of Personal Data

1.1. What data do we collect?

When registering for courses: name, personal identification code, phone number, e-mail.

The data collected during course registration is processed in connection with course registrations, participation in courses, issued invoices, paid tuition fees, and issued documents.

1.2.  Why do we collect data?

For the purpose of conducting the course (for conveying organizational and educational information, issuing documents related to course completion and participation). 

For resolving possible complaints and legal disputes.

2. With Whom Do We Share Personal Data?

We keep your data secure in accordance with the institution’s regulations. We do not transfer personal data outside the European Economic Area.

2.1. We share data about course participants with the payer of the course, i.e., the final client, if the final client is someone other than you.

2.2. Occasionally, we share data about course participants (first and last name, institution, and sometimes expectations, motivation letters) with the trainer(s) conducting the course for the purpose of information dissemination, decision-making regarding acceptance, and/or creating better course content.

Our employees use the organization’s communication channels (e.g., e-mail) for exchanging work-related information, ensuring that personal data exchange is secured through the organization’s information security rules and systems. We use encrypted channels for transmitting sensitive personal data.

3. How Long Are Personal Data Retained?

Data are retained according to the established procedures of the institution.

When retaining personal data, including documents containing personal data, we follow the principle that data are kept only as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected, or as long as their retention is required by law.

4. What Are Your Rights Regarding the Processing of Personal Data?

You may exercise your rights in accordance with the conditions arising from the Regulation and local laws.

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  • obtain information about the personal data collected about you and how it is processed;
  • request the correction or supplementation of personal data;
  • request the deletion of personal data if there is no legal basis for their processing;
  • withdraw consent for the processing of personal data if the processing is based on your consent;
  • request the transfer of personal data.

If a user believes that their rights have been violated, they may contact and file a complaint with the Data Protection Inspectorate: address Tatari 39, Tallinn 10134,


For any questions, please contact us.

The contact person at Tartu Asian Language Center is Merlin Kasesalu.

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