Teaching policy


The duration of courses varies, and it is measured in academic hours, where one academic hour equals 45 minutes. Typically, a course session lasts for 2 academic hours, which is 90 minutes. Private lessons usually last 60 minutes.  

Learning Environment

Our classrooms are designed for adult education and equipped with all the necessary technical and instructional tools. Whether the learning materials are included in the course fee depends on the course description.

Course Registration, Admission, and Payment

You can register for courses on our website by filling out the registration form. Admission to the course is confirmed by an email registration notice, along with a prepayment invoice. Tuition fees can be paid via bank transfer. The bank account of Tartu Asia Language Center is at LHV Bank, EE927700771001959751, under OÜ Varikiri.
Generally, discounts are not offered.
VAT is not added to the tuition fees.
To participate in the course, the tuition fee must be paid by the invoice deadline.
By agreement, the tuition fee can be paid in installments.

Withdrawal and Absences

If you wish to withdraw from a course, please notify us immediately by emailing info@takk.ee. If you fail to notify us of your withdrawal or withdraw less than two working days before the course starts, or if the course has already started, the tuition fee will not be refunded, and the issued prepayment invoice remains payable. If a student has entered into an agreement to pay the tuition fee in installments but discontinues the course before the full tuition is paid, the Trainer has the right to charge a course discontinuation fee, which is 20% of the total course fee.
If a participant misses a class, the tuition fee will not be refunded, and no make-up session will be provided.

Course Dismissal

A student may be dismissed from a course at their own request or if they behave inappropriately or disrupt the learning process. Dismissal may also occur due to (partial) non-payment of tuition fees.

Changes to the Course Plan

Tartu Asia Language Center reserves the right to make changes to the course plan. If a course is canceled, registrants will be notified immediately, and the tuition fee will be refunded or transferred to another course upon request.
In unforeseen circumstances, the right is reserved to cancel a class, in which case the class will be rescheduled.

Dispute Resolution Procedure

If you wish to contest decisions related to course administration, you have the right to submit a written appeal to the school director. The appeal will be reviewed, and the student will be informed within 5 working days. If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal to the Administrative Court of the Republic of Estonia.

For any questions, please contact us.
Email: info@takk.ee 

The contact person at Tartu Asian Language Center is Merlin Kasesalu.

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